Friday, May 4, 2012

Smart Phones are killing confrontation?

With out a doubt the use of smart phones in this day and age has made life easier and more accessible. Through the use of these quick text, email, and browsing devices people have been able to communicate effectively from a distance and forge relationships that would have not been possible without these devices. Since these devices are so effective at long distance communication there seems to be less of a need to communicate and interact face to face. This is especially true for those who do not do well with confrontations with others. The use of a smart phone can create a technology shield for those who want to have their thoughts heard, but don't want to deal with the repercussions of face to face confrontation. It is much simpler to sent a text or an email expressing distaste or mal-intent. for another individual when their personage is not physically present. In fact in one plays their cards right, one might never have too confront another person who they don't see eye to eye with ever. But this raises some questions; is this lack of human to human confrontational contact healthy? Isn't being able to deal and argue a valid point in person a valid life skill? One may argue that those who use smart phones are in danger of losing their ability to deal with confrontation face to face. This would pose a huge problem for the work force since so many jobs require confrontational problem solving skills. According to, 46% of mobile phone owners use a smart phone and the number grows every year. Are all of these users in danger of losing their confrontational skills. If so, then we may find ourselves in a world where everyone texts and emails their dislike for one another and never deals with it. This could create an era where no one gets anything done without technology.  



  1. Great post and it's so true...

  2. I might encourage you to try to give your story a stronger "hard news" lead, perhaps about a recent study where you could cite a researcher as an expert source. You might also want to check out how news is often written using the "reverse pyramid" structure, where information is front-loaded in a news item.
